
Monday, February 22, 2021

Class Act

 Drew Ellis recognizes that he is't afforded the same opportunities, no matter how hard he works, that his privileged classmates at the Riverdale Academy Day School take for granted, and to make matters worse, Drew begins to feel as if his good friend Liam might be one of those privileged kids and is finding it hard not to withdraw, even as their mutual friend Jordan tries to keep their group of friends together.

Review: Class Act is a companion graphic novel to Jerry Craft's Newbery Award winner New Kid and could be read on its own. Class Act follows Drew Ellis, a friend of Jordan, who also struggles with racial microaggressions and trying to fit in his predominately white and affluent Riverdale Academy. Craft points out other differences that separates Drew from his other classmates though some differences make a bigger impact than others. Drew is physically developed at a faster rate than Jordan and it is hinted in the graphic novel that Drew would now be considered a "dangerous man" in society. 
  What struck me the most in this graphic novel is the economic disparities in the graphic novel. Drew lives with his loving grandmother and they struggle to stay afloat financially. In contrast, his white and affluent friend Travis lives in a mansion-like house with a hired Latinx nanny and a Black driver though Travis parents are absent from his life. Another telling moment when a school visit from a predominately Black and Latinx students take in the differences between their school and Riverdale Academy.  
  The Class Act is another accessible and discussion starter graphic novel that highlights inequity, which younger readers are just beginning to be socially aware and question. 

Rating: 4 stars

Words of Caution: None. Recommended for Grades 4 and up. 

If you like this book try: Clean Getaway by Nic Stone

1 comment:

  1. I think Jerry Craft is creating really good and important graphic novels. As you say, they are accessible, deal with real life, tough stuff, and are appealing.
