
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Harmony and Heartbreak (Suitehearts #1)

 Living in the penthouse suite of San Francisco's Hotel Coeur, matchmakers-in-training Rose and Cora learn how to use magic to bring about love connections and must perfect their charms and enchantments to pass a test that will determine their future.

Review: Harmony and Heartbreak is the first book in the charming, magical series called Suite Hearts. The story centers on two cousins, Rose and Cora, who come from a long line of matchmakers. The girls are also Matchmakers who have magical powers that allow them to forge love connections between people. As Fledglings or young Matchmakers in training, Rose and Cora practice their skills under the supervision of their guardians, but the time has come to take an exam to see if they can graduate to a higher Matchmaker level without the help of their guardians. 
  Rose, who is always confident and has an intuitive sense to her magic, is excited about this opportunity. Cora has the opposite reaction. Cora is much quieter and is used to being in her cousin’s shadow and has more challenges with her magic, is filled with doubt. They have two chances to pass the exam. If they fail, they could have their magic taken away. What makes the challenge even harder is that it will focus on their individual weaknesses. 
   Kann has created a delightful world filled with magic, but it is also rooted in reality as the girls navigate real life issues such as friendship troubles, crushes, and self confidence. This would be a great gateway book for younger readers who are hesitant to pick up a full-on fantasy story. The world building is easy to follow and there is a glossary provided for words that are specific to the world.The story is told in alternating perspectives by Ros and Cora, but I found myself more interested in the introverted Cora. While the story wraps up nicely in the first book, there are lingering questions left to be explored in the further books. I plan on continuing the series. Harmony and Heartbreak is a fun, Black Girl magic read.

Rating: 4 stars

Words of Caution: None. Recommended for Grades 5 and up.

If you like this book try: A Dash of Trouble by Anna Meriano, Best Wishes by Sarah Mlynowski

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