
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Shirley and Jamila's Big Fall

 Starting a new school in the fall with her friend Shirley, everything is going well for Jamila until Shirley pulls her into a new assignment: stop Chuck Milton, a school bully who is using blackmail and intimidation to become school president--an assignment that will involve a bit of breaking and entering.

Review: The Shirley and Jamila graphic mystery series is utterly delightful. This is the second book in the series and I think you would have no problem if you started with this book. The author does a great job in summing up the first book so you can dive right into this new adventure. 
  The fall brings the start of a new school year. Jamila Waheed is attending a new school, but luckily her best friend, Shirley Bones, is right by her side. After solving their first case together over the summer, the school year has brought a new shift in their routine such as doing homework, attending lessons, sport practices, and possibly even new friends. While Jamila befriends, Seena who shares similar cultural and family dynanics and also loves playing basketball, Shirley is still working as detective. 
   The latest case has the Shirley and Jamila pitted against a formidable opponent: the notorious school bully Chuck Milton. Chuck trades in secrets and wields them against fellow students he extorts, including their recent client. 
  This Sherlock Holmes-inspired mystery series not only has a strong cast of characters and an intricately detailed plot, but it also addresses important questions. Can you justify breaking and entering to help solve a case? How about faking a friendship? I really appreciate how there is no clear cut answer and seeing the characters come to their own conclusions. The series continues to have a focus on friendship and  not the usual drama that surrounds middle grade reads. Jamila's struggle about building her friendship circle and finally finding someone who she can be her authentic self will resonate with a lot of readers. Overall this is a really fun series that I hope continues because I adore these characters. 

Rating: 4 stars

Words of Caution: There are scenes of bullying and also breaking and entering a house. Recommended for Grades 4 and up.

If you like this book try: Enola Holmes Graphic Novels by Serena Blasco, Inkberg Enigma by Jonathan King, Goldie Vance by Hope Larson (for Grade 5 and up readers)

1 comment:

  1. This makes me think a bit of the Harriet the Spy books from when I was young. I loved that Harriet was just a normal girl, but solved myseries
