Rummanah Aasi
  I thoroughly enjoyed Liz Prince's graphic memoir titled Tomboy. I found it to be a very enjoyable, funny and thought-provoking story. I definitely recommend checking it out if you are on the lookout for a graphic novel read.

Description: Growing up, Liz Prince wasn't a girly girl, dressing in pink tutus or playing pretty princess like the other girls in her neighborhood. But she wasn't exactly one of the guys, either. She was somewhere in between. But with the forces of middle school, high school, parents, friendship, and romance pulling her this way and that, "the middle" wasn't exactly an easy place to be.

Review: Tomboy is the tale of Liz Prince's childhood and adolescence along with examining the societal expectations of gender. From an early age, Liz didn't like all of the things people consider "girly" such as wearing frilly dresses and playing with dolls. She felt comfortable in boys' clothes and playing "boy" toys. As she grew older, she her interests didn't conform to what was expected for her gender. Although she got crushes on boys all of them wanted the "normal" girls, which made Liz ponder where exactly did she fit in the closed, tight boxes that we labeled as male and female.
  Tomboy is a refreshing, funny, and at times a heartbreaking look at what it means to be male or female. Liz is candor about her insecurities and it is very easy to root and align with her. The book ultimately challenges the notion that there is only one way to be either gender. We watch as Liz grows from a child who is rebellious and who would rather be mistaken for a boy and claims to "hate girls", into someone who recognizes that she doesn't hate women but rather the expectation that are placed upon them by society. Along with the social commentary on examining genders, there is also a discussion on conformity and non-conformity, bullying and the rites of coming of age. 
  The artwork is simplistic, which enhances the "everyman" narrative of the graphic novel. I think this would be a great graphic novel discussion for students and a great pick for reluctant readers. It is a fast, easy read, but also has a lot of material to discuss and will provoke discussion. 
Rating: 4 stars

Words of Caution: There is some strong language sprinkled throughout the graphic memoir. Scenes of underage smoking and drug use are also depicted. There is also some discussion of sex though nothing in graphic detail. Recommended for Grades 9 and up.

If you like this book try: Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks, The Adventures of Superhero Girl by Faith Erin Hicks, Drama by Raina Telegeimer
2 Responses
  1. I always enjoy those books that try to break conformity. Usually makes for a very good read! Great suggestion!

  2. Kindlemom Says:

    This actually sounds like a really good read and one that I think a lot of teens and adults alike would love. Great review!

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