Rummanah Aasi
Here is the surprise that I have been working on. Welcome to my very first giveaway!

I can't believe that my blog will soon be 5 months and I now have over 30 followers. I’ve enjoyed sharing my book reviews and thoughts with you all. I look forward to sharing my passion for reading with all of you every day. Thanks to you, blogging has been really fun. I want to continue to grow, get better at blogging, reach new book lovers and followers, which brings me to my first giveaway. Please help me reach my next goal of 60 followers.

For those that have been following my blog from the beginning, you will know that I have a soft spot for YA literature. Like many of you, I'm also counting down the days for Suzanne Collin's Mockingjay, the third and final book of the blockbuster, bestselling Hunger Games series. So to celebrate my first 3 months and my first 37 followers, I am going to give away a copy of Mockingjay! Wait, there's more!! If I reach my goal of 120 followers I will add a second great book to my giveaway... The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. If I'm lucky enough to get 180 followers, I will throw in another item to the giveaway.

The Rules... 

    • You must be a follower of my blog. 
    • You must be over 13 years old.
    • Contest is open to US and Canadian residents only.
    • Only one entry per follower 
    • Since these books are currently only available in pre-order, they will be sent out once these books will be available in print.
    • There will be one winner per book
To Enter...

Please leave a comment below and include the following information:

  • Old (prior to contest) Blog follower: 2 points NOTE: If you follow through Network Blogs only, you must post as an Anonymous with all the required information.
  • All entries must have a name and an email address so I can contact the winners
  • New Blog follower: 1 point 
  • Tweet about my contest (leave link) : 1 point 
  • Put my button (grab on side bar) on your blog (leave blog link): 3 points
  • Bonus: Since I'm all about libraries, show your library blog some love. Leave a meaningful comment (leave link): 4 points 
Please add up your points - for a total of 10 points max.

Contest is open until  midnight EDT on Tuesday, August 17, 2010.

This Contest Is Now Closed.

Winners will be chosen randomly. I will announce the winners on my blog after contest ends. Winners will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Good luck to you all and thank you so much for sharing in my fun!

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24 Responses
  1. Kori Says:

    Love the blog and the giveaway! Either book would be amazing to own :)

  2. Variety Says:

    I'm a new follower.


    BTW, I'm Variety on the lex, and just found out about your blog through Sprtygal/Debbie.

  3. Jenni Elyse Says:

    Jenni Elyse
    me @ jennielyse . com (I put spaces in it so the spider crawlers wouldn't pick me up and send me spam)

    2 - old blog follower
    1 -

    3 points total

  4. MZMollyTL Says:

    (continued from last comment b/c it was too big!)
    Two, Suzanne Collins is not afraid to kill characters we like. I won't title-drop, but I've been reading a lot of books where the main characters and their immediate circle don't die. The premise of the other books is that they had to die - there could only be one survivor of the games. I worry that the characters I care deeply about (okay, who am I kidding - Peeta, yes PEETA!) will get the axe.

    Third, there's a movie coming out. Will the fact that a film is to follow impact or affect the plot of the final book?

    There's a midnight release party for Mockingjay at my local bookstore. I'll be there, maybe not to partake in the activities (which I can't imagine what they will involve) but to get my book. I'll be afraid to open it but I won't be able to resist. After all, this was the book series that prevented me from watching the Olympics (and to hear that story, you'll have to read MY blog!)

  5. Orchid Says:

    Oh my gosh, awesome contest! I'm dying to read Clockwork Angel and Mockingjay! Thanks for the great contest. I just found your blog, though Shelfari, and it's really nice. Love your layout. ^_^

    +1 new follower

    hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

  6. Alden Says:

    I have heard so much about the Hunger Games series - what better incentive to start than getting a copy of the third book. Hopefully you get enough followers to give away The Clockwork Angel as well, it looks like an interesting entry in the steampunk genre. Good luck with your blog!

  7. Hope Hariri Says:

    Hope Hariri
    I don't have a twitter account but I will post it on my Facebook!!
    I will put button in my myspace page and fb
    IDK how the library blog is about or done but I do have an app on Facebook that shows my book recommendations and what I've read :)

  8. Tess Says:

    w00t! i'm a new follower. that's 1 point. plus i'm a librarian. and here's a link to my library's children's picture book reader's advisory blog: which i moderate. that's 4 points? plus i'm your friend on shelfari! whats up there cullengirl. give me some mockingjay and clockwork angel!!! hey very cool blog you got here. look forward to reading your updates. so is that a total of 5 points? peace out!

  9. Anonymous Says:

    I'm excited to join this blog! Nothing like a little motivation like a Mockingjay!! This is my 3rd blog I follow so my skills are not there yet!


  10. Old follower:2
    Tweet: 1
    button: 3 points
    Bonus: library blog love.: 4 points,+Sarah&index=PAUTHOR&uindex=&aspect=subtab13&menu=search&ri=2&source=~!horizon&1280378013552 (I left a review for a book I read, does that count?)
    Total: 10 pts
    Good luck with your followers. I'll keep spreading the word!

  11. Marcie Says:

    I am a new follower +1
    my email is

    This is a great contest. I want to read both books so bad.

  12. Hermana Maw Says:

    What a fun contest! I'm drooling at the thought of winning Mockingjay. I'm now a follower.

  13. Luisa Says:

    I'm going to spread the love but you do the math! HA!!!

    This comment, my blog, facebook and Twitter :)


  14. M the Mommy Says:

    Hi there. Thank you so much for inviting me to join your giveaway. Let's see...

    2 - old blog follower
    1 - I TWEETED! I have had a twitter account for awhile, but I only use it to follow people. Your giveaway was my very first tweet.
    3 - I put your button on my blog. I used to post alot about my kids and books I read, now not so much, but if you want to see picks of my babies.

    Good luck on your first giveaway!

  15. Thanks for hosting the giveaway! You're on the way to getting 60 followers...I'm number 26!

    Here are my entries, I have 9 of the 10 possible points:

    **New follower


    **Button's on my left sidebar:

    **My Library?!?

    Let me just say that I've frequented many libraries over the years, but I haven't visited any as much as I've visited the ones in the Indian River County library system. There's Brackett Library near my house, the Main branch downtown hear my husband's office as well as others. I go there at least 3 times a week, and some of the staff know me by name. There's free Wi-Fi for cardholders, you can make book requests, and there are thousands of DVDs to check out (even the new releases are there!). As a mother of two young children, I've enjoyed their programs for little ones. If I ever have to move, these libraries will be missed. Here's the link:

    So yes, I'm a fan.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

    Laura Hartness
    The Calico Critic
    CalicoCritic at gmail dot com

  16. Jules Says:
    I LOVE that my library is so up on technology and so responsive. My kids have homework assistance and I can do everything on-line short of physically picking up a book.

    I'm an old follower so that gives me 6 points total!

  17. Nat Says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! My library doesn't have a blog. :(
    1 pt

  18. Unknown Says:

    Great giveaway.
    I'm a new follower.

  19. Anonymous Says:

    I'm a new follower and added your blog to my RSS feed at Google reader. My library blog is:

    Thanks for doing this for these two hot, new books.


  20. Tina Says:

    I'm a new follower.
    Thanks for the chance to win! I'm dying to read these books.

    melodiousrevelry (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. Keta Diablo Says:

    Hey, hello!

    I found you on Shelfari and asked for your blog link. You also recommended some fantastic YA books that I'm going to bury my nose in soon, at least some. I'm very curious about the books and writing in this genre. Who knows? I might even try my hand at a series.

    I love my local library and spend too much time there. What I really like is that I can order a book in from another community if they don't have it AND they even send me an e-mail and tell me when it arrives. How kewl is that?

    You have a lovely blog here, and I'm not following you. I'd love win a copy of Mockingjay!

    Thanks so much for your assistance, and I promise to return often.

    Keta (
    Erotic Romance Author

    Keta's Keep Blog:

  22. Awesome giveaway! Congrats on 5 months of blogging! ^_^

    +1 new follower
    +1 tweeted at

    eclecticdahlia [at] aol [dot] com

  23. Anonymous Says:

    Great giveaway! They both look like amazing reads!
    New Blog follower: 1 point
    Tweet about my contest : 1 point

    my email is

  24. Pokadots1121 Says:

    This an awesome giveaway! Thanks a lot.
    I'm a newbie -1 point

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