Rummanah Aasi

I'm thrilled to participate in Something Wicked Comes, a fabulous event where bloggers and authors celebrate all things creepy during the month of October. The event is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and Babbling About Books. Be sure to stop by and visit the busy month long schedule to sign up for awesome giveaways, read interviews from your favorite authors, and discover some great books!
  As part of my participation in the Something Wicked Comes, I'd like to spotlight indie author, E.K. Henry, debut novel Freak! Be sure to scroll down to the end of the post to see how you can win a copy of Freak. Below is the pretty book cover and its description:

Being a lower-class human born into a world where vampires rule sucks. No matter how hard Juniper Rayne tries to fit in, she's labeled a freak. When her dad signs the family up to take part in a reality television show, Juniper hopes that it'll give her the edge she needs to shed her freak label.
  Unfortunately for Juniper, vampires aren't that accepting. She decides to take control of her life and become a vampire hunter, instead of continuing to live in her own personal hell any longer. She will regain control or die trying.


Thanks to E.K.'s generosity, I have two (2) ebooks of Freak to giveaway to two (2) winners. To enter, simply leave your name and email address so I can contact you if you win. This giveaway is open internationally. Winners will be selected by and the giveaway will run until FRIDAY, 11/2/12 at 11 PM EST. The winner will be announced on my blog on SATURDAY, 11/3/12. Good luck!
23 Responses
  1. Jenny Says:

    Yeah vampire hunter! I like the sound of Juniper, she seems like she's going to be a bit of a badass. Thanks for putting this on my radar Rummanah!

  2. Sounds really good, thanks for the chance :)


  3. Alden Says:

    Looks interesting. Please count me in.

    Alden Ash

  4. theartgirl Says:

    Love vamps!

    colleen at myartsite dot com

  5. LoveOfBooks Says:

    Sounds like a fun book!


  6. Cassandra Says:

    Yummy vamps :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  7. DMS Says:

    This sounsd like an interesting book! Thanks for the giveaway!


  8. Elizabeth Says:

    Love the cover of this book and it sounds like it could be good!
    Elizabeth@Nightmare on Bookstreet (

  9. bn100 Says:

    The book sounds interesting.


  10. Unknown Says:

    Sounds like a good read. Thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC Heather @ Redheaded Bookworm
    hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

  11. Prangon Says:

    I missed stopping by your blog Rummanah!
    This is the first I am seeing of this book, the cover is pretty nifty. Me likes! :D

    Prangon: The Nerd In Heels

  12. Sounds super cute. I love vampires.
    alisoncanread at gmail dot com

  13. Evil Queen Says:


    Name: sary rodriguez

  14. E.K. Henry Says:

    Thank you so much for featuring my book. Good luck everyone on the giveaway!

  15. me Says:

    Looks interesting
    Jes Brey

  16. Lexi Edwards Says:

    Thanks for the chance yo win!


  17. BLHmistress Says:

    Thanks for the giveaway, the premise sounds awesome!


  18. Suzy M Says:

    I've never seen anything quite like this.. it looks fantstic!

    Suzy Maltby

  19. Steph Says:

    This book sounds really interesting - thanks for putting it on my radar!

    Stephanie W.

  20. Natasha Says:

    Sounds really good!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  21. I love the sound of this one! Especially after I read the interview!


  22. Unknown Says:

    Great Giveaway!

  23. Holly Letson Says:

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    bookaholicholly at gmail . com

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