Rummanah Aasi

 Books featuring mermaids and mer-people have been very popular lately. Today I'm excited to introduce to yet a new book that also spins a new take on mer-people. Indie publisher Ciye Cho is here to talk about her book, Florence, and maybe we should reconsider somethings before wishing to be a mer-person. Be sure to check out the bottom of the post for your chance to win a copy of Florence!

7 Things That People Don't Tell You About Being a Merperson

Most people have a deep fascination with mermaids and mermen. Some
people even dream of life below the waves. And why not? Merfolk are
colorful, whimsical, and swim among dolphins. Yet, all things come with
a price, and the majesty of having a tail can come with some unexpected
hiccups. Here are some things that people don't tell you about life as a

1) You'll get seaweed stuck between your teeth. A lot of it.
2) Raw fish is a human delicacy. Sashimi 24/7 is just a whole lot of
cold fish.
3) Sleep in a bad neighborhood and you could get eaten by a shark or
covered in barnacles (note: it is rumored that mermaids use special clam
tools to scrape off barnacles--and it's about as painful as it sounds).
4) Talking to animals can be fun. The conversation? Not so exciting.
5) Painting your fingernails underwater can be very, very messy.
6) Ariel gave up legs to be a human. You'll have to give up your
7) Ever tried drinking coffee underwater?

Seventeen-year-old Florence Waverley is out of her depth. Literally. Kidnapped and taken below the waves to the mer world of Niemela, she is the ultimate gift for merman Prince Kiren: a human familiar tied to his side. But nothing is what it seems amid the beauty and danger of a dark ocean.

Every Niemelan has a role to play, from the mermaids who weave towers out of kelp to the warriors who fight sea monsters. But in trying to survive, Florence will end up in the middle of a war between the mer and the Darkness. A conflict that will push her between two brothers: Kiren, the charmer inexplicably drawn to both her and the monsters; and Rolan, the loner who has been pushing her away since the day they met. But in order to take a stand--and find out where she belongs--Florence will have to risk it all: her life, her heart... and her very soul.


  Ms. Cho is very generous to giveaway 1 (one) ebook copy of Florence to 1 (one) lucky reader! To enter, simply leave your name/alias along with an email address so I can contact you to win. Giveaway will end on Saturday, September 8th. The winner will be chosen by and winner will be announced on my blog on Sunday, September 9th. Good luck to all those who enter!
5 Responses
  1. Jenny Says:

    I would definitely be in trouble with the sharks and the raw fish 24/7! I'm absolutely petrified of sharks and I'm not a big fan at all of seafood, so I feel like as a mermaid I'd be in trouble. I could live without coffee an iphone though, so I've got that going for me!

  2. Swimming with dolphins would be fun but I'm pretty sure I'd get tired of living underwater after a while too. I'm lazy so walking around is annoying enough; swimming would take even more energy :)

  3. Oh I love mer-tales (get it?) LOL

    Hm... I can see drinking coffee as a problem... how do you make it? :D I don't have an iPhone, so I'm good there. :D
    books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

  4. Okay, after just watching a week of Shark Week on Discovery Channel I'd be a bit frightened of the sharks, hope the merpeople have repellent or a map of their favorite places. I've learned a few of those after this week. Hate raw fish. But love seafood. Thinking maybe I could find a compromise.
    I'm thinking for the coffee I could make friends with a barrista that brings it to me on the docks each morning? Yes? Don't care about my fingernails but the barnacles. Blech and ouch!
    But I really want to read this book. These are my people!!
    Fun post!
    Hang in there Rummanah!

  5. Mappi Says:

    Hmm... interesting post! I don't think I can live as a merperson but I find them so fascinating! I'm currently in a mer craze right now and I would really love to read this book!

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