Rummanah Aasi
  If you are in the mood for a light and uplifting read full of friendship, love, and food definitely check out Jenny Colgan's Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe. This is a perfect read when you want to escape into a book just for a little while.

Description: Having grown up in an apartment above her Grandpa Joe's little bakery, Issy Randal has always known how to make something sweet. She's much better at baking than she is at filing, so when she's laid off from her desk job, Issy decides to open up her own little caf . But she soon learns that her piece-of-cake plan will take all her courage and confectionary talent to avert disaster.

Review:  Issy works for a property development company and has a clandestine romance with her hot and ambitious boss, Graeme. Though she likes her job, she doesn't find it fulfilling and when rumors spread that the company is down sizing, Issy feels at ease that at least Graeme will help her in securing her job. The rug is ripped under Issy's feet when she gets laid off and Graeme breaks up with her.
   Issy, understandably wallows in her bad luck, but with the nagging from her feisty roommate, she finally musters the courage to move on in her life. She remembers that her fondest memories are of those helping her grandfather in his bakery in northern England. He always told her that bread was life and baking was love, and each chapter opens with one of his recipes. Feeling inspired, Issy finds her dream in opening a bakery/cafe. We follow Issy as she becomes her own boss and establish herself on her own two feet.
  I loved the humor of this book, especially with the clueless Issy who has no idea about what it means to run a business. Issy wins people over with her warmth and sincerity, which can also be found in her baked goods. There are a wide variety of positive relationships, both of friendship and those of business, that are examined. Even the secondary characters of a single mom trying to make ends meet as well as another woman going through a hard breakup with her child's father that come to life in the story.
  Along with following her dreams, Issy also gets a second chance at love with Austin, the adorable bank manager who also has his own hands full. I loved watching Issy and Austin together, their hilarious miscommunication always made me smile. Though they are bumps in their romance, I loved how they came together. I just wished their romance wasn't rushed too quickly in the end. I would have loved to see them resolve and talk about their issues.
  Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe will have you smiling, laughing, and craving for pastries. While it may not stick with you long after you read it, you will enjoy it while reading it. It definitely hit my spot of wanting a fun and light read. Just be sure not to read this book on an empty stomach because it will most definitely make you hungry.

Rating: 4 stars

Words of Caution: There is some language and sexual situations of the PG-13 variety. Recommended for teens and adults.

If you like this book try: Chocolat by Joanne Harris, Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I've never heard about this one before but it sounds really good! Love the cover and title :D

    Asma @ IceyBooks

  2. Kindlemom Says:

    If I read this one I will definitely make sure I have a cupcake or two nearby. ;) Great review!

  3. I'm craving for cupcakes already! Sounds like an entertaining book.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  4. I will consider this when I'm in the mood for something light, Rummanah. It sounds cute. I better have some snacks on hand though because I have a feeling after reading it, I'll want something sweet.

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