Rummanah Aasi

 With less than three weeks before the new school year begins, I wanted to do something fun before things get out of control. I decided to join some awesome bloggers and read a fun book while participating in Don't Fear the Reaper Read-along, which is celebrating the upcoming release of Fourth Grave beneath My Feet, the fourth book in the Charley Davidson series. I've heard great things about this series and I can't wait to read it. Many thanks go out to Christy of Love of Books, Lila of Babbling About Books and Stuff, Jen of In the Closet With a Bibliophile and Heidi of Rainy Day Ramblings for setting up this read-along!

Below is the discussion schedule:

Discussion Schedule
August 2nd: Chapters 1-5 hosted by Love of Books
August 9th: Chapters 6-10 hosted by Babbling About Books and Stuff
August 16th: Chapters 11-15 hosted by In the Closet With a Bibliophile
August 23rd: Chapters 16-20 hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings
August 30th: Special Guest post with Darynda Jones and Prize Winners 
Questions for Chapters 1-5 can be found on Christy's blog or on any of the hostess's blogs. I hope you can join us in all the fun!
4 Responses
  1. Cool Read-a-thon. Don't know if I'll have time to follow--doing six other things at the moment--but I'm a big fan of read-a-thons in general! :D Found you via Alisoncanread's page. New follower via GFC. Follow me back if you want at LKHill and/or Musings on Fantasia. Happy Friday! :D

  2. Jenny Says:

    I've heard such great things about this series, I can't wait to follow the read-along and see what you think Rummanah! I'm really excited this author is coming out with a YA series too, win. I'm hoping to get to these books sometime soon, but the good thing about arriving to the party late? I don't have to wait to read the next book in the series, I can just devour them all:)

  3. I wish I didn't have to miss this one because I love this series. Hope you have fun.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Ahhhhh...another read along!!! LOL- I cant keep up!!!!

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